Wednesday, 24 August 2016


Dear All,

This week at Camp Heidelberg, we will be breaking records...a lot of them.

We are encouraging our campers to set goal for themselves, and then exceed them - be that sprinting, running, hoola-hooping, hand-stands, or any other challenge they would like to attempt.

Please see our week in pictures.

The Camp Heidelberg Staff :)




Dear All,

Thank you so much for supporting us during week 7. 

We all had such a great time, campers, parents, and guest, and all.

Please see our week in pictures.

The Camp Heidelberg Staff :)


Tuesday, 16 August 2016


Dear All,,

Our 'Sports Mania' week got off to a great start! Once we got to know each other a bit, and got into our groups, we were off to do archery, prepare our name tags, and play basketball. 

In the afternoon we tried 'Ladder Toss', 'KanJam', and soccer.  For camp wide, we had a soccer, basketball and 'KanJam' tournament.  Some of us even worked on the garden.  We are very thankful to Sara, Anastasia, Lorena, Helena, and Lauren for making our garden beautiful again.

Below please see our day in pictures.

See you at the camp.

The Camp Heidelberg Staff :)


Monday, 15 August 2016


Dear All,

Although the Olympics in Rio are still taking place, we at Camp Heidelberg finished our Olympics week...and a great week it was!

We competed, we made friends, we had visitors who taught us Zumba and Yoga, and, all around, we all had a great time. 

Please see you week in pictures below. 

See you soon again,

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)


Tuesday, 9 August 2016


Dear All,

It's Olympics Week at Camp Heidelberg! Our week began with choosing a country name as a team name, so Michael's group is 'Team Germany', Stacey and Jessica's group is 'Team Brazil, and Paisley and Andrew's team is 'Team Australia'.  After a very busy morning participating in archery, participating in Olympic sport-type events, and preparing our name tag medallions, we challenged each other to a 'Tug of Rope' contest.  Team Australia won against all teams, including the Leaders-In-Action team which is 'Team USA'.  Team Australia even won the challenge against the staff team, which is called 'Team Finland'. 

Today, Tuesday, we continued with our events, did archery again and made Olympic torches for craft.  In the afternoon we played Bocce Balls, Ladder Toss, dominoes, and competed in soccer and in Bocce Ball competition. 

We are also supporting two Canadian athletes in Rio!! We are supporting Andrea Saccafian from Guelph, Ontario who is competing in Athletics, and Crispin Duenas from North York, who is an archer, competing in his 4th Olympic games! Go, Team Canada, Go!

See you at Camp Heidelberg,

The Staff :)



Dear All,

Needless to say, we have had an awesome week at Camp Heidelberg ... despite of it being way too short! :)

The bridges we built help up quite well and the shelters were also very sturdy as well. We even saw some critters, had a great sleepover and finished the week with a very delicious potluck.

Our campfire was extra special this week: Hailey from ARK and Sarah from Stork came and visited us. Hayley even played a few notes on the flute as we munched on yummy - and even oversized(?) - marshmallows! :)

We only have three more weeks left, so we hope to see you at Camp Heidelberg again this summer! :

The Camp Heidelberg Staff :)


Thursday, 4 August 2016


Dear All,

We hope your week is progressing well.

Our week at Camp Heidelberg seems to be just flying by ... and not only because it's a short week! :)

Yesterday, Wednesday, we made 'wood creations' for craft, did archery and continued to build the shelters in the Schmuck Forest. Today, we will be learning about the negative effects of youth gambling, and will also try our hands at bridge building.

Of course, we extra excited today because we will have a campfire and a sleepover this evening!

Hope to see you at Camp Heidelberg.

The Staff :)


Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Dear All,

Her we are - at the beginning of week 5. And, we are celebrating 'Timber Days' at Camp Heidelberg! What this means is that we will be building a lot this week, and will also be spending time in the forest and the natural habitat around us...and, of course, we will be building in the forest as well.

Today, Monday, we made name tags, wondered down to the pond, and started our shelter building in the Schmuck forest! After lunch, ae also played 'Ladder Toss', 'Camouflage', and hung out under the Pavilion. It was a busy, busy day.

We can't wait to see what the rest of the week holds for us.

See you soon at Camp Heidelberg.

The Staff :)

Friday, 29 July 2016


Dear All,

We hope our campers had a wonderful week at Camp Heidelberg - despite the cancelled campfire and sleepover.

Our week in general was very exciting: we learned about kitchen safety and cleanliness, how to make crepes, and how to make muffins and brownies - all with a twist! :) All of us participated in the preparation of the these yummy foods: some of us read the instructions, some of us put the ingredients together, and some others stirred the finished batters. We made sure that we are safe so our campers stayed away from warm appliances, but they did so well with helping to make a campfire to prepare the brownies, and to roast marshmallows today on Friday. The rain and the thunder could not keep us away from enjoying a wonderful campfire this morning.

Throughout the week, and besides learning about baking delicious foods, we played Gega ball, lacrosse, basketball, ladder toss, Capture the Flag, camouflage, and did archery. Our crafts this week consisted of bracelets made out of plastic lacing, chef aprons, chef hats, and name tags.

Overall, we had such a great time at Camp! We just can't believe it's over! But, there are still 4 weeks left of our summer, and so hopefully we will see you again.

Wishing you all a great long weekend,

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)
