Tuesday, 8 September 2015


Dear All,
We hope the first day of school has been great for you all.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of our camp.  We had such a great time this past summer, thanks to our exemplary campers - and we are so proud of them - and a special thank you goes out to our parents who have been supporting us in so many different ways. 
We would also like to thank our leaders - our teen campers - who were so, so amazing and helpful this year.  
Last but not least, a great big 'thank you' goes out to the exceptional staff who made this summer possible. 
We would like to take this opportunity then to share with you a few pictures from our last week of our camp. 
As for our blog, we will be updating it periodically - at least once a month.  Please check back as often as you can. 
Thank you all once again, and, please enjoy the pictures below.
The 2015 Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)


A great camp - wide game during the last few days of week 8 ...

A creative creation of our LIA instructor Kate, and one of our campers ...

One of our crafts during week 8 ... 

A campfire during the day ...

Our Morning Show on Friday - 'Name That Song'... :) 

Coke and Mentos on Friday ... 

Oops ... Olivia go sprayed a little ... :)

That one got away a little ... :)

Look, a flying bottle ... :)
And, of course, we could not finish without a great run of 'Schmuck the Staff'...some of us even had to run a little... :)

'Yeah man, I am cool" ... :)

"Funky, but thank Goodness it did not get into my hair'... :)

Welcome to Camp Heidelberg Olivia ...  :) 

And, this is what you get when you can't stay away from Camp Heidelberg - don't make that mistake again Husky! :)

 'Yay, I got Schmucked ... again!!!'

'Do I look nice?' - Jamie agreed that the campers can Schmuck him with chocolate sauce...  Kudos to Jamie!!! :)

Our garden at the end of the summer...

It was a great year for tomatoes this year... :)

The pepper came in nicely too... :)

Some more tomatoes...

And, yes, even more tomatoes... :)

 And, last but not least, the mystery vegetables in our garden were egg plants!! :)

And, it's a wrap for this year everyone! See you all next year! :)


Monday, 24 August 2015


Dear All,

After our adventures in the forest, we began our 8th, and final, week at Camp Heidelberg this season! Out theme this week is 'Heidelberg Record Books', and so our campers are encouraged to set goals for themselves, and break either pre-existing records, or establish new ones. 

Today, we had Jamie and Nate's group complete a 37 foot leaf-frog challenge with both of their groups participating.  Some campers were working on their basketball free throws, and some of us were looking for the largest critters we could find in the pond. 

Isn't he quite the crayfish? :)

How many critters do you see?

Pleas stay tune for more updates later on this week.

Thank you for your continued support of our camp.

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)


Dear All,

Week 7 was such a success!  Even though we were expecting rain for most of the week, the weather was very kind to us, and so we could spend as much time outside as possible. 

Thank you all for your participation and camp spirit during week 7.  Please enjoy a few pictures from the week.

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)

The newspaper fashion show...aren't they well-dressed? :)

We had some visitors on horseback - but there was no horsing around though! ;)

Our craft on Tuesday! :)

Out of the forest and onto the beach at the pond! :)

A critter from the pond...

And, of course, Schmuck! :)




Thursday, 20 August 2015


Dear All,

After we recovered from our 'youth fit' week, we shifted our focus to the wonderful natural habitat all around us - our forests, green areas and our pond.  Our theme this week is 'Fun in the Forest', and so we wasted no time at all to enjoy these wonderful spaces at Camp Heidelberg.  The only thing that held us back was the rain, but it we still managed to play tag games in the forest, walk down to the pond to discover insects and other pond animals, had a visit from friends on horseback, and we also played a few water games as well as it was so warm during some of the days of the week.

This evening, Thursday, we are heading back to camp for our second last campfire and sleepover of the camp season!  Can you believe this? We sure can't believe how this summer is flying by, and so we will make sure that our last two days of this week will be filled with as much fun and enjoyment as it will be possible.

Please stay tuned for pictures and videos from our week.

Thank you for your continued support of our day camp,

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team


Dear All,

We had a great finish to week 6!  Please see our week in pictures ...

The end of the triathlon ... it was a big push up-hill! :)

Theme-based crafts...

The plants in the garden has grown so, so much! :)

Thanks you all once again for your continued support of our day camp.

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Dear All,

We are already halfway through week 6!  Can you believe it??  We sure can't, but we don't have much time worry about that because there are a number of fitness related challenges waiting for us this week.

Yesterday, Monday, we had to stay inside because of the rain.  But, today, Tuesday, we sure made up for being stuck indoors!  Today, we played 'Name That Song' where campers sprinted to a counselor standing far in the field in they could name the song Jamie played on the stereo.  We finished off with team challenges...

Then, for sports, we had a Triathlon!!  Each group ran, jogged, or walked from the top of the Schmuck forest to the Boys' Bunkhouse, and back - an estimated 600m distance all together.  Then, for the second event, we did jumping jacks!  Well, we are so so proud of our campers: as a whole group - or all our campers and counselors - we did over 1600 jumping jacks!!  Wow; what an accomplishment!!  Some of our campers continued the triathlon in the pool, later on this afternoon.

At lunch time we also paid attention to the garden.  Sadly, we lost some veggies in the process, but there is a lot more where THAT came from... :)

We also managed to play soccer and a few field games as well during lunch.  It was great to play while the sun was out! :)

As a camp wide activity, Nature Nate lead us in an amazing game of 'Camouflage Indiana Jones Challenge'.  The pictures describe it all the best... :)

How many campers do you see in THIS picture: one, or two? ;)

Thank you for your continued support of our day camp.  Later on this week, Arianna, our guest editor, will update us all on the rest of the week's happenings. 

See you at the campfire on Thursday. 

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team


Dear All,

We have to admit that the pace at which this summer is progressing is quite hard to keep up with!!  Where did week 5 go??  It flew by but we sure had a lot of fun!

The theme of week 5 was 'Robin Hood' - yes, the arrow-splitting, forest dweller from the middle ages!  Well, the theme seemed to fit very well with our camp because we do a lot of archery and our camp is located in the middle of a forest, or forests! :) We did archery in the Schmuck forest, we had an amazing Robin Hood fashion show - with pictures coming a bit later - and played amazing games of Giants, Wizards, and Robin Hood, and a 'Robin Hood Evolution' game where campers and counselors were able to progress from being 'peasants', to Robin Hood, to a knight, to a king, and then to a dragon! It was just so so much fun. 

We also had time for sports as well.  In this picture you will be able to see Nature Nate being tagged in a 'tag football' game.  Was it really a tag though, and who tagged him? You be the judge... :)

 Please also check out the vegetables growing in the garden...they are just beautiful! :)

On Friday, we schmucked Selina, Yvonne and Nate.  They look photogenic with the whipped cream on their faces, don't they??

Thank you for your continued support of our camps. 

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)