We are already halfway through week 6! Can you believe it?? We sure can't, but we don't have much time worry about that because there are a number of fitness related challenges waiting for us this week.
Yesterday, Monday, we had to stay inside because of the rain. But, today, Tuesday, we sure made up for being stuck indoors! Today, we played 'Name That Song' where campers sprinted to a counselor standing far in the field in they could name the song Jamie played on the stereo. We finished off with team challenges...
Then, for sports, we had a Triathlon!! Each group ran, jogged, or walked from the top of the Schmuck forest to the Boys' Bunkhouse, and back - an estimated 600m distance all together. Then, for the second event, we did jumping jacks! Well, we are so so proud of our campers: as a whole group - or all our campers and counselors - we did over 1600 jumping jacks!! Wow; what an accomplishment!! Some of our campers continued the triathlon in the pool, later on this afternoon.
At lunch time we also paid attention to the garden. Sadly, we lost some veggies in the process, but there is a lot more where THAT came from... :)
We also managed to play soccer and a few field games as well during lunch. It was great to play while the sun was out! :)
As a camp wide activity, Nature Nate lead us in an amazing game of 'Camouflage Indiana Jones Challenge'. The pictures describe it all the best... :)
How many campers do you see in THIS picture: one, or two? ;)
Thank you for your continued support of our day camp. Later on this week, Arianna, our guest editor, will update us all on the rest of the week's happenings.
See you at the campfire on Thursday.
The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team
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