Monday, 3 August 2015


Dear All,

Hello, this is Arianna here! I'm one of the L.I.A.'s at Camp Heidelberg, and as of recent I've been putting together the past two blog posts for the website. I forgot to introduce myself again "Hi!"

With Week 4 already having finished, it's a little hard to believe that Week 5 is coming! This past week was our Survivor week. The campers participated in actives, crafts and camp-wide games that mocked the challenges and the fun of the outdoors and the wild! This included in making stick forts, making animals masks of their favourite animals or characters, finding frogs and other creepy crawlies. :0)

Later on in the week, we held a camp-wide game of Predator & Prey, where the campers were placed in categories of herbivores, omnivores and carnivores and had to try and catch as many others and gain lives as possible! We had a lot of lucky herbivores who stuck it out....our campers sure are cut out to survive in the wild!

Below are pictures of our week....

This is one spectacularly built stick fort!

Campers found many frogs....

...and salamanders!

Campers also found lots of bird feathers...

Here's a video of the campers doing some archery..

Name tags the campers made for craft..

Our camp-wide game of Predator & Prey in the afternoon...

Week 4 was a total blast and it's all thanks to you, so we thank everyone for your support on behalf of Lazlo and the rest of the staff! I also want to thank the staff for giving me the opportunity to write the last two blog posts as well!

Stay tuned for Week 5!

Arianna & Camp Heidelberg Staff

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