Sunday, 26 July 2015


Dear All,

Week 3 at Heidelberg is already over! Can you believe it? Over these past days of this particularly active week everyone was busy, between running fun games, singing camp songs and our weekly Campout! We also had our L.I.A.'s (Leaders In Action) run a scavenger hunt in the woods. Campers had to look for sport items drawn on plates for our sports themed week! Whichever team got the most points won. Despite the hot persistent sun that shone all week the campers and staff still managed to have lots of fun (while keeping as cool as possible of course!)

See the rest of our week in pictures...

Playing Broomball. These kids can't get enough of the fun! ;)

Campers helped water the camp flower garden...
During our Campout out we sang camp songs and also played games like Minute to Win It and Pudding Drop.....both enjoyable and chocolaty! What more could you want?

Staff members Lazlo, Paige and our new member Steph are camera ready before being "Schmuked"! 

Lazlo being Schmuked....

Now Paige......

And then Steph!

All Schmucked and ready for the camera again! :P

We all enjoyed Week 3 at Heidelberg and we want to thank you all for your continued support of our camp. 
Stay tuned for further updates!
The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)

Tuesday, 21 July 2015


Dear All,

Even though it's only Tuesday, we have done so so much at the camp!  Yesterday, we played Gega ball, made name tags, did archery and played basketball.  Today, Tuesday, we played 'Camper Bingo', which involved getting to know other campers and the Counselors.  The winners of the Bingo were Maya and Meaghan; their prize: they got to lead the 'Tarzan Song' for the rest of the campers! :)

Later on in the day, we worked on our year books, played an amazing game - or two - of broomball, and did archery.  After lunch, we had a campfire, and then afterwards, we played a giant game of 'Stones'. 

Please see our day in pictures...

Which Counselor is this?? :)

Playing!! :) 

The Leaders-In-Action re-named the 'Boy's Bunkhouse'...

We also found a few feathers out there...

This is what we promised to each other...

The first-ever 'Camp Heidelberg' brochure designed by Ishaan...  Thank you! :)

The front of the brochure...
 We played an awesome game of 'Stones' in the afternoon ...

It was an awesome game...

Our very own - and the one and only - 'Double T' caring for the falling tomato plants! Thank you!! :)

Small group games in the gym at the Stork Y...

'Double T' razzle-dazzling campers with a magic trick...

That is all for this Tuesday.  Please stay tuned for further updates.
Thank you for your support of our day camp! :) 

Monday, 20 July 2015


Dear All,

The end of week 2 was more than memorable.  Despite the rain, on Friday we had so so much fun. For the Morning Show, we had an 'Egg drop' competition.  Then, because of the rain, we stayed inside and played Gega Ball, did crafts, and played board games.  After the potluck we played 'Counselor Trivia', where the Counselor with the most amount of points got a pie in the face.  And, you guessed it: Nature Nate totally won that one! To be sure, he had some really hard questions to answer, like 'what's 10+19?' and 'when did the War of 1812 begin?' :) Nate is a great sport! :)

Here is our week in pictures, and in a video...

Did that egg break?? :)

Tie dye...
And, we found a nest in the trees, near the main building...
Thank you all for your continued support of our camp. 
The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :) 

Wednesday, 15 July 2015


Dear All,

Today we really stepped it up a notch!  This morning we had a great 'Name That Song' competition lead by Jamie and the counselors.  It was so much fun that we continued to sing, dance and just have a great time far into the morning.  Please see the pictures and videos below. 

Later on, we did archery - using waterproof targets; thanks Alex for getting those - played this game that 'no one likes' - Gega ball - and did some more air bands.

In the afternoon, we worked on our value boards which we will present to the parents, and then worked on our song / dance numbers for the campfire.  We even put in 4-5 tomato plants in the garden; thanks Paige and Nature Nate for leading the gardening 'expedition'.

Please see our day in pictures... and see you at the campfire tomorrow, Thursday, evening.

Let's do the Cha Cha Slide.... :)

And a Conga Line... :) 
The most amazing morning show... 
Some giant Dominos ... 
Field games by Nate and Paige...

Let's learn about responsibility ... Selina's group...

We've got new tomato plants in the garden ... thank you all who put them in! 

That is all for today; see you tomorrow evening at the campfire! :)


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

WEEK 2 ... HERE WE COME... :)

Dear All,

We started the week on a very busy note: in addition to the usual sports, archery and craft, we also talked about the Y values, and sand a number of amazing camp songs as well.

Today, Tuesday, we played counselor trivia, danced to the tune of the YMCA song - and yes, by the Village People :) - and did the Chicken dance.  In the midst of it all, we found out that - maybe, just maybe - Jamie's pet's name is 'Peanut', and that Yvonne really enjoyed her mud diving experience; and oh, that Paige drove a combine to town once!? :)

Please see our week in pictures...

We were enjoying a game of giant checkers...

It's our promise to one another ... our behaviour contract.

Counselor 'Nature' Nate during this morning's Morning Show: "Your are MINE!"

And, what is an LIA after all?? :)

Please stay tuned for further updates from Camp Heidelberg.

Thank you for your continued support of our camp.

The Camp Heidelberg staff! :)


Dear All,

We finished week 1 of our 2015 camp season on a very fun, and busy, note. On Thursday evening, we had our very first parent campfire, where we introduced the counselors, sang a number of camp songs, and had a few yummy marshmallows. 

On Friday, we spent the morning making apple spice - with the help of a number of amazing Leaders-In-Action -, played sports, did archery and had a very delicious pot luck lunch. We most certainly finished the week on a fun note - just as we were getting ready for week 2, and 'Rock Bands and Air Guitars'.

Please see our week in pictures....

Funny targets for archery... :)


 The campfire on Thursday evening...

Marshmallows....yumm!!! :)

And, apple spice on Friday.  If you look very closely, you will be able to see the sugar and cinnamon - the two key ingredients - boiling over the fire.  The entire campfire pit area smelled like apple spice! :)
But, wait, that's not all... we were headed towards week 2... in a hurry! :)

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Week 1, day 3 - what a blast! :)

Dear All,

Our third day at the camp was so much fun: we were able to finish some of the crafts from the last few days, made very delicious choco-bananas and orange brownies, took a trek down to the pond, played soccer and did archery again. 

Please see our day in pictures...

Our crafts from the past few days ...

 Delicious choco-bananas...

Orange brownies that were oh so yummy...

And, we even had time to decorate a counselor - thanks Jamie for being such a great sport ... :)


We can't wait for tomorrow, Thursday evening - our very first campfire and sleepover of 2015! 

See you all soon,

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Camp Heidelberg in pictures...

Dear All,

Despite the rain in the afternoon, our day at Camp Heidelberg was so so much fun!  In the morning we had a visit from Katie from the Guelph Y who lead games dealing with youth gambling awareness.  We also did archery, played soccer and ultimate Frisbee, and made choco-brownies! Thank you Paige for finishing those off on the BBQ! :)

Stay tuned tomorrow for pictures of our amazing crafts! :)

We would like to take this opportunity to share with you a few photos of our camp. 

Here are our amazing staff: Yvonne, Jaime, Paige, Selina and (Nature) Nate!

This is our garden!  Thank you Lisa and Alex for helping to put it in. We will be taking care of it all summer long.

Yesterday, we learned how to safely build a camp fire: teepee or a log cabin, that is the question! :)

The LIAs from the Stork Y playing 'Huckle-Buckle'...

Learning about values yesterday...

Our camp wide in the afternoon ...

Sports this morning ...

And, choco-bananas in the afternoon... :)

Enjoy! :)

The Camp Heidelberg Staff :)


Dear All,

We could not be more excited to start another day camp season at Camp Heidelberg.  The staff worked very hard last week to make sure that the camp grounds are ready, that the garden is watered :), and that the plans and procedures are in place for us all to start off this, what promises to be, an incredible day camp season. 

Due to technical difficulties, we could not update the blog last night - on Monday; nonetheless, we would still like to share with you our first day at camp. 

Our counselors, Paige, Nate, Selina, Yvonne and Jamie could have not been more excited to start another day camp season.  Paige and Nate are joining us from the Stork Family YMCA.  Selina and Yvonne are first time Y day camp staff - at least at the CKW YMCA as Selina joined us from the Y in Burlington - and Jamie joined us form Camp Ki-Wa Y, our Outdoor Center. 

Yesterday, we had an awesome day getting to know each other, learning how to build a camp fire, doing archery, making name tags, and playing some basketball.  We are looking forward to making some delicious cook-out food today: choco-bananas! Stay tuned for an update later on today! :)

We welcome all of your comments and suggestion in the form of posts on here, or in person.  Feel free to share with us any observations or suggestions you may have about our camp.  

Thank you for your continue support of our day camps.

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)