Tuesday, 7 July 2015


Dear All,

We could not be more excited to start another day camp season at Camp Heidelberg.  The staff worked very hard last week to make sure that the camp grounds are ready, that the garden is watered :), and that the plans and procedures are in place for us all to start off this, what promises to be, an incredible day camp season. 

Due to technical difficulties, we could not update the blog last night - on Monday; nonetheless, we would still like to share with you our first day at camp. 

Our counselors, Paige, Nate, Selina, Yvonne and Jamie could have not been more excited to start another day camp season.  Paige and Nate are joining us from the Stork Family YMCA.  Selina and Yvonne are first time Y day camp staff - at least at the CKW YMCA as Selina joined us from the Y in Burlington - and Jamie joined us form Camp Ki-Wa Y, our Outdoor Center. 

Yesterday, we had an awesome day getting to know each other, learning how to build a camp fire, doing archery, making name tags, and playing some basketball.  We are looking forward to making some delicious cook-out food today: choco-bananas! Stay tuned for an update later on today! :)

We welcome all of your comments and suggestion in the form of posts on here, or in person.  Feel free to share with us any observations or suggestions you may have about our camp.  

Thank you for your continue support of our day camps.

The Camp Heidelberg Staff Team :)

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