Thursday, 17 August 2017


Dear All,

Our week at Camp Heidelberg continued with tons of fun!  Today, Thursday, we did archery, did our craft in the forest, played lacrosse and went down to the pond to explore the critters around the pond.  In the afternoon, the LIAs organized an amazing 'camp-wide' game for us.

Yesterday, Wednesday, we played soccer baseball, did an amazing craft involving tiles and Sharpies, did archery and tried land-skis again.  In the afternoon, we played a giant game of 'Field Basketball'.  Even though it was warm outside in the afternoon, we still had lots of fun!

Unfortunately our campfire was cancelled due to the weather, but we are looking forward to an amazing Friday, which will include a BBQ hot-dog lunch, and games lead by the LIAs.

We thank you for your support of our camp.

The Campers, Mentors, LIAs and Staff :)

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